I Will Not “Photoshop You Skinny” | Whitney Beth Photography | Utah Family + Senior Photographer

Lets have a little heart to heart about something you might not want to hear.
I will not photoshop you “skinny.”
I hear this every so often and it breaks my heart. Here’s why.
Lets talk the technical side of things first. There isn’t an easy “skinny” button to push in photoshop. That means that whatever is behind you, I need to now recreate. Sometimes it’s something simple like the sky – most times it’s not. You could be in front of people, bricks, trees, etc and all would need to be digitally reconstructed. Photos are 2D – so there isn’t the rest of the scene behind you. Depending on the complexity of the image it can take anywhere from 5 minutes or more. Multiply that by your session and I can’t afford to work that long on one shoot.

Here comes the hard truth. I won’t photoshop you skinny, because you don’t look like that.
I am in the business of documenting, not altering. I believe that everyone is beautiful – even when we have a hard time noticing it ourselves. These photos are not for you, they are for your kids and your future grandkids. They want to know you and don’t care about what you looked like.
If you don’t like how you look in pictures.. do something about it. Do whatever you need to do to feel confident. Maybe it’s getting your makeup professionally done before the shoot. Or splurging for some false eyelashes. It could even be to start working out and eating more healthy.
Regardless of what you do, it is your job, not mine to make you look the way you want to look. It is my job to capture your relationships with family and document this stage of life you are in.
So you take the photos and aren’t happy with your looks? Do something to change it up and take more photos.
There is no rule that says you can’t have more than one photoshoot a year (despite what every husband out there would say lol)
You will never regret taking photos. Ever.
and you can always take more.