Ensign Peak Portraits | Fields | Whitney Beth Photography
I can’t believe my little flower baby, Fields, is five years old! Time has flown by so quickly. Fields has always had a deep love for flowers, so when I asked him where he wanted to take his birthday pictures, it was no surprise that he chose a place with tons of yellow flowers. I told him how Ensign Peak was blooming right now and he excitedly picked that location.
We set out on an overcast evening, which provided the perfect soft light for our hike up the trail. As we reached a spot where the hillside was covered in yellow wildflowers, Fields’ eyes lit up. He kept repeating how much he loved all the flowers and wished our yard could look just like this—honestly, me too!
Fields is such a sweetheart with a tender personality. He loves to color, draw, and express his creativity in so many ways. Spending this one-on-one time with him, capturing his five-year-old spirit, was truly special. He was in his element among the flowers, and it was so cute to see his happiness shine through in every picture.
I couldn’t be happier with how the photos turned out. They reflect not just a beautiful evening, but also Fields’ vibrant personality and love for nature. I love being able to take my kids out for some one on one time for their birthday pictures, it’s my favorite perk to the job.
I would love to photograph you here! If you want your own photos at Ensign Peak, just send me an email through my “book now” tab and we can get the ball rolling.