Utah Commercial Photography | Level 1 Armory | Whitney Beth Photography
Level 1 Armory is a new children’s toy company that I had the privilege of photographing for. When I was talking with Chase during our first phone call and he was telling me about the tow swords he makes and what his goals were with his business, I’m telling you, it was a match made in heaven. All of my favorite things in one company and I got to photograph them! It was the best. We discussed his needs and I planned out the shoot with models and a location and then took all the product images in my makeshift home studio. I ended up suspending the swords from a rig using thread that I photoshopped out in post to give it a floating effect. The end result was so cool! And I have to say, that of all the model based shoots I have done, I can confidently say that this batch of models had the most fun I’ve ever seen at a photoshoot! They loved picking out their swords and using the paint kit to design and decorate them. When it came time to demo and play fight I thought they were going to die of happiness! You can get Level 1 Armory on Amazon or follow them on Instagram for more updates and festival info.