Adult Braces | Whitney Beth Photography | Utah Family Photographer

Adult Braces | Whitney Beth Photography | Utah Family Photographer

This past May (the 4th to be exact) I got my braces off! Let me tell you, biting into an apple without having to cut it up first was glorious. I had braces put on in September of 2020. (If there’s ever a time to have adult braces, in the middle of a pandemic where everyone has to wear masks is not a bad way to do it.) I didn’t get them for cosmetic purposes – although straighter teeth is a nice bonus. Rather, for my TMJ. Most people don’t know that I have/had it. Essentially what it was in regards to my body is I was clenching my jaw so tight at night that I was getting massive headaches. Ibuprofen and Tylenol didn’t touch it. I had night guards, but I was literally biting through them. My dentist is also a TMJ specialist and brought it up one visit that I would be an excellent candidate for braces to help my TMJ. So the appointment was booked and the tentative date of 18 months was given.

Archival Quality Photos, Best Extended family photographer, Best Family Photographer, Best Senior Photographer, Best Utah photographer, Children's product photographer, commercial photographer, Extended Family Photographer, Family Photographer, Product photographer, Utah family photographer, Utah photographer, Utah Portrait Photographer, Utah Senior photographer, Whitney Beth Photography, Whitney Beth Photography family and senior photographer, Utah full service photographer , adult braces, before and after braces, braces, brace face, braces progress, headshots
The day I went in to get braces put on

Right before I had my braces put on, I also had some headshots taken. Not only to mark the “before” but to tide me over and give me some content to post until I had full embraced the “brace face.”

Archival Quality Photos, Best Extended family photographer, Best Family Photographer, Best Senior Photographer, Best Utah photographer, Children's product photographer, commercial photographer, Extended Family Photographer, Family Photographer, Product photographer, Utah family photographer, Utah photographer, Utah Portrait Photographer, Utah Senior photographer, Whitney Beth Photography, Whitney Beth Photography family and senior photographer, Utah full service photographer , adult braces, before and after braces, braces, brace face, braces progress, headshots
Before Braces (left) + After Braces (right)

I also took pictures after (nearly) every appointment. It was fascinating to see my teeth move. Seeing the progress also softened the blow of having to contemplate if what I was about to eat really worth picking out of my brackets for the rest of the day.

Shortly after I had my braces put on, Danny and I got pregnant. Let me tell you, if I didn’t already feel “sexy” with braces on, being pregnant with braces on is a whole other ball game. I liked to think I looked like a knocked up teenager. Very classy.

Just because I had braces on and in my opinion, had never looked worse in my life, didn’t stop me from taking pictures. I still went to headshot swaps, still posed for outings, still showed up on Instagram. It was a lot of pep talking to myself. But it worked. I didn’t let that stop me from getting maternity pictures taken, or hiring a birth photographer. (Although I reallllly wish I didn’t have braces for either of those.) But that’s the way life worked out. I wasn’t going to stop documenting just because I didn’t like how I looked.

Archival Quality Photos, Best Extended family photographer, Best Family Photographer, Best Senior Photographer, Best Utah photographer, Children's product photographer, commercial photographer, Extended Family Photographer, Family Photographer, Product photographer, Utah family photographer, Utah photographer, Utah Portrait Photographer, Utah Senior photographer, Whitney Beth Photography, Whitney Beth Photography family and senior photographer, Utah full service photographer , adult braces, before and after braces, braces, brace face, braces progress, headshots
braces on and embracing headshots

Finally after almost 20 months (should’ve been 19 but they didn’t have my final wire in stock – it’s fine, I’m not bitter lol) I was a free woman and instantly aged 5 years. ha. But in a good way! I felt like people took me more seriously and that I wasn’t the nanny for my kids anymore. (Although I will miss being able to use that to my advantage. One time a solicitor came to my door and asked if my mom was home. I said, “nope!” he said, “thanks, have a great day!” and I didn’t have to listen to his sales pitch.)

Archival Quality Photos, Best Extended family photographer, Best Family Photographer, Best Senior Photographer, Best Utah photographer, Children's product photographer, commercial photographer, Extended Family Photographer, Family Photographer, Product photographer, Utah family photographer, Utah photographer, Utah Portrait Photographer, Utah Senior photographer, Whitney Beth Photography, Whitney Beth Photography family and senior photographer, Utah full service photographer , adult braces, before and after braces, braces, brace face, braces progress, headshots
Before Braces (left) + After Braces (right)

But for all that having braces gave me, I’m so happy I did it! I haven’t had a headache since, my jaw is where it should be, my teeth are straight, and all that confidence I faked over the last year has manifested itself into real confidence and I feel like I’m on top of the world.

And for your viewing pleasure a little progress collage.

Archival Quality Photos, Best Extended family photographer, Best Family Photographer, Best Senior Photographer, Best Utah photographer, Children's product photographer, commercial photographer, Extended Family Photographer, Family Photographer, Product photographer, Utah family photographer, Utah photographer, Utah Portrait Photographer, Utah Senior photographer, Whitney Beth Photography, Whitney Beth Photography family and senior photographer, Utah full service photographer , adult braces, before and after braces, braces, brace face, braces progress, headshots
before, during and after
Archival Quality Photos, Best Extended family photographer, Best Family Photographer, Best Senior Photographer, Best Utah photographer, Children's product photographer, commercial photographer, Extended Family Photographer, Family Photographer, Product photographer, Utah family photographer, Utah photographer, Utah Portrait Photographer, Utah Senior photographer, Whitney Beth Photography, Whitney Beth Photography family and senior photographer, Utah full service photographer , adult braces, before and after braces, braces, brace face, braces progress, headshots

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