Utah State Capital Blossoms | Whitney Beth Photography
Every year – whether I’m photographing clients there or not, I try to make it up to the Utah State Capital to see the cherry blossoms. After a long winter, this Oregonian needs some color and signs of life back in the scenery. There is nothing better than walking under the trees (with the rest of Utah lol) and getting excited for spring!
This year I didn’t advertise and push for blossom portraits like I did last year. I like to work there every other year and give myself a buffer year. (It gets really busy and crazy for photographers.) But I didn’t want to miss out on the beauty. So I invited a couple of my friends and their boys to come up with us.
Between the three of us we had 5 little boys (3 of them being 2!) I’ve brought my boys on enough of my flower hunting adventures that they are pretty well versed in appreciating their beauty. But I knew it’d be busy and I also knew our little buddies might not share the same enthusiasm. So I brought a bubble wand! And the others brought trucks and cars.
It was perfect. We walked for a bit, found a shady spot with a hill and camped out. We were there for nearly 2 hours! Just chatting away and watching the boys play. They rolled down the hill, blew bubbles, and the biggest hit was playing in the dirt with the cars. I snuck in a few pictures here and there and had my friend take some of the boys and I together, but other than that it was super low key and wonderful. Exactly what I needed – especially with the snow and cold front we had move in this last week.
So tell me, did you make it up to the capital to see the blossoms?