Jolley’s Ranch Family Pictures | Robbins | Whitney Beth Photography
Fall family pictures are in full swing! Thanks to the rain and wet winter we had a brilliant wildflower filled summer and now that is carrying over to a vibrant and brilliant fall! This was my first time at Jolley’s ranch – with apparently the rest of Utah! If you’re not familiar with this location it’s actually a disc golf corse. (Sorry to all the disc golfers that were just trying to play!) The Robbins family are some of my favorites to photograph (and not just because they are family! ha!) Mindi wanted fall color and boy did this spot deliver! I could’ve stayed there all day! What’s nice about repeat clients is we all know how each other works and in turn can spend our time getting all the “money shots” as well as playing! The kids are always so great to have me yell out random, different prompts and do them! Sometimes they work, sometimes they don’t, but they always end with laughs and smiles which is honestly all I want anyways. At the end of the field was a big metal tube. The kids asked if we could take pictures in it and I told them we could towards the end. When we got over there, they were bummed to find it filled with water and no way to go inside without getting wet. I think they thought that meant no pictures. Me, on the other hand, I was thrilled with the water and knew exactly the kind of shots we could get! I had the kids take turns jumping in the middle. I was able to angle my camera just right to catch their reflection in the pool of water. They turned out so good! In fact, my 17 year old nephew said, “YOOOO! That’s sick!” so it’s safe to say we nailed it. haha! This whole evening was gorgeous and the perfect ramp up to busy season!
If you want your own pictures here, I would LOVE to take them! message me through my “book now” tab and we can get the ball rolling!