Easter ’23 | Whitney Beth Photography | Utah Family + Senior Photographer
Our Easter was simple and so fun. We hit up a few egg hunts on Saturday (never thought I’d be looking for eggs in the snow, but luckily by the end of the day it was warming up and starting to melt.) Sunday was wonderful and we were all able to go to church in the same car since Danny didn’t have meetings. We took a few Easter pictures before loading up the car. I think I’ve cracked the code on getting the youngest to look – give him the remote! We may have 50+ pictures where no one is ready, but Rem was loving it and looking in nearly every shot! Not to mention happy about it! I don’t think we’ve ever had a smoother Easter picture. Haha! The kids sang in the program and I was lucky enough to be the one and only speaker for Easter Sunday. It went really well! After church the boys found their Easter baskets. Rem’s was in his basket of balls, Foo’s was behind the curtains and Jones’ was hanging on the coat rack behind the jackets. Then we went up to my folks and had a late lunch, found Danny and my basket, played baseball and enjoyed family. We finished off the evening with Easter dinner with the Robbins side and an Easter egg hunt turned Easter egg fight with all the grandkids. The weather was wonderful and the sun was shining. It really was a wonderful day. I hope you had a great Easter!