Industry Friends | Whitney Beth Photography | Utah Photographer
Small businesses are amazing. You’ve seen the meme that says, “Every time you purchase from a small business, a real person does a happy dance?” It’s true! Most times, the small business owner is running the entire show solo. Marketing, SEO, Branding, Photographing + Editing (in my case) Accounting, Legal stuff, etc. The list literally goes on and on. (For most of us,) all the “backend” of work we do is worth it to be our own bosses and run our own company doing what we love. But if there’s one thing I miss about “regular” jobs – it’s the social interaction with people literally doing the same job as me. Co-workers who can relate to the struggles and triumphs of the job. Basically a water cooler talking buddy.
For us in the photography/videography industry it can get a little lonely. Especially when we only see each other when we both have a photoshoot the same night at a popular location. Back in January, my friend Stephanie ( had the idea to do monthly dinner meet ups. Ashley ( and I thought it was a great idea and jumped on board!

The first few months were just us three, despite posting and putting it out “there.” However, we are picking up steam! Last week we were able to meet up and there were 6 of us! (a couple had to cancel last minute due to a shoot coming up) And let me tell you, it is the best time! Not everyone knows everybody so we’re always meeting new people and networking. But the real treat is getting to talk shop. discussing workflow, problems, shoot locations, etc. It’s like we have own co-workers (we just happen to work in competing businesses.) The beauty of it is that we don’t see it as competition. We are building our community.
When I first moved to Utah I was bombarded with the amount of photographers that were here. It was really easy for me to feel jaded and jealous of them all. They all had such beautiful work and I was left trying to figure out which canyon was which. Something switched in my head when I started seeing them as friends and not my competition. It was wonderful! It gave me permission to cheer them on and help them out. There’s enough work for all of us, and it’s really lonely if you’re doing it solo.

There’s always room at the table. If you want to come to a dinner, send me a message and I’ll add you to our group! Don’t worry if you don’t know anyone, or if you haven’t been in business long. Just come, talk shop, meet new friends and have a night away from your computer and hanging with your co-workers. <3