May Day ’22 | Whitney Beth Photography | Sandy Utah Photographer
May Day was this last Sunday, and the boys and I had so much fun! As I’ve mentioned before, I’m throwing the anonymity out the window in the hopes that people will follow suite and start May Day-ing their friends and neighbors too!
I think May Day on a Sunday is the perfect combo. I had picked up some flowers a few days prior in prep for the big day. Then, after church I printed out a bunch of “Happy May Day! Love, the Robbins Family” tags (16 of them) and started assembling bouquets. Last year we passed out like 6, this year we bumped it up to 16! I wish I could’ve gotten everyone in our neighborhood! Maybe someday! to secure the flowers and give them an added touch, I wrapped them in paper. It made it easier for my door bell ditchers to hold them, and they looked cuter, too!
I loaded up the basket and stroller full of flowers and kids and off we went! We didn’t really have a set plan on who we wanted to May Day. In the words of Pocahontas, we went wherever the wind took us. And it was a good thing we only had 16 because we were racing against a giant rain storm! We dropped off the last bouquet and hauled home just as the rain drops began to trickle!
I have always loved this holiday and now my kids love it as much as I do! I can’t wait to do it again next year!