Holladay Portrait Photographer | Fields | Whitney Beth Photography
My little Foo is turning 3! I can’t believe it! If you’re wondering where the nickname, “Foo” came from, you’ll love this. When Fields was a baby he hated getting diaper changes and would scream and cry and alligator roll during the whole thing. Randomly one day we discovered that if we sang, “Little Bunny Foo Foo” to him he’d stop and be happy. That quickly became his favorite song and we started calling him, “Bunny Foo Foo” which in time shortened to Foo. He loves it and will correct you if you call him “Fields.” I’m not sure how much longer it’ll last, but I’m soaking it up now while it does!
This birthday shoot was a little tender mercy. In my own experience of photographing my boys, 2 year pictures is a lot of running, and somewhat cooperating. The 3 year old pictures is a whole lot of fast movements and little cooperation. ha. Add that in with the one who doesn’t like a ton of pictures and I was prepping for a fight. He also fell asleep in the car on the way over – I thought we were done for.
I brought my sister with me to push the stroller and keep an eye on Jones while we shot. This worked out splendidly and I was able to focus only on Fields. We walked around a bit first and then started to play games. We were too early in the season for the white flowers to be everywhere, but it worked in our favor as there was a giant patch of dandelions! I don’t let the boys pick flowers – but with these being weeds I let them go crazy. After blowing wishes, all Fields wanted to do was pick flowers. By the end of the shoot he had an impressive bouquet and he was in such a good mood he let me take pictures with his treasures. I love this little buddy of mine and am so blessed to watch him grow.