Dragons + Knights Birthday Party | Whitney Beth Photography
I love throwing my kids birthday parties. My mom always went all out with each of ours and it always was so much fun and made us each feel so special. So I’ve continued the tradition with my own kids. Jones requested a Dungeons and Dragons themed party – which he let me tweak just slightly to “knights and Dragons” so that I wouldn’t have to explain to all his classmates’ parents that we weren’t actually playing dungeons and dragons.
I planned out a quest for the kids to go on and gather things along the way. The just of it went something like this; while the kids are eating pizza in the “tavern” a princess comes to ask for help. A dragon came and stole all of the royal jewels. She asks if there’s anyone brave enough to go on a quest to bring back her treasure. The kids all yelled out, “yes!” (it was so cute watching them get into it!) The only problem is the princess doesn’t know where the dragon is, all she has is one piece of the map to his home. But she’s heard that the good witch might have more information. She sends one of her servants with the kids to help on their journey.
Once they get to the good witch she tells them she’ll help them in exchange for the missing ingredient to her potion. She needs 10 dandelions to complete the spell. The kids ran all over my yard gathering up all the dandelions they could find. Once they returned with the flowers the good witch thanked them and gave them a piece of the map. But before they could leave, she told them they needed a spell for protection and gave each of them a vial to wear with “dragon tears” in it. This would prevent the dragon from breathing fire on them. As she sent them on their way she told them they better stop at the armory to get some shields.
The kids ran to the armory and blacksmith to get swords and shields in prep for their quest. While there they received the two missing pieces of the map. They decorated their shields with their family’s coat of arms. (I made the swords out of a giant piece of cardboard from when we bought a new tv in November and the shields were made from cake rounds!) When they finally had their map taped together they began their quest around our cul de sac.
While they journeyed, my mom and I set up the mountain in the front yard and had the dragon slip into place.
They made it back and defeated the dragon! (Special thanks to my brother who dressed up in a dragon suit and let a hoard of 15 kids beat him up with cardboard swords)
When the dragon was slain the kids found the treasure and brought it back to the princess! As a special reward the princess let them each have a pouch of the jewels and crowned Jones, king!
After that we had cake, opened presents and the kids played with their swords in the front yard until parents came to get them. It was so much fun, and so much work, but so worth it!
(It was also majorly windy that day, like 25+ winds, so most of my decorations didn’t make it out, but it was still so fun!)